
Showing posts from October, 2015

Is it any wonder...

Tomorrow is a whole new adventure. New people. New explorations. New beginnings. It's strange how excited I have been for this step, yet I sit here typing this with trepidation. This last week has been chaotic, which has definitely helped with time flying; but as the hours now slowly pass until my flight out, I feel a little flighty - no pun. A little butterfly-like. I know this will ignite a sense of discovery in myself and come the end of the adventure, I will know more about myself then I have before. And that's the point, right? "Look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better." A quote for the road... Thanks Einstein. Nature. They say it's cheaper than therapy. I grew up surrounded by it; let's go back to it. See you on the flip side. Gx

Couranga Track, NSW Australia

The Couranga track was described as a 'pleasant' walk and that the entire track requires no previous bush walking experience. I'm going to say that's not the best way to describe this track - it's quite intense and a definite 'bush walk'. Uloola Falls entrance signage for Couranga Track Spider webs, snakes, fallen trees, obstacles, overgrown trees and bushes... Don't get me wrong, it was awesome fun, but definitely full on. The beginning of the track starts from South Sydney's Waterfall Train station, follows the Uloola Falls track signage which goes down the Service road until the Couranga sign appears, which follows into the bush. Service Road pre-Couranga Terrain Couranga Track Clearly no one had walked this track this day in late October, or recently for that matter, as majority of the track was connected by webs. Unfortunately, the track trees where in need of spider web wreckage in order to pass. I set out to hike i...

Karloo Track, NSW Australia

Panorama of the Karloo Pools Starting at Heathcote Railway Station, south of Sydney, the 5.6km return Karloo track makes its way to the Karloo Pools in roughly 3 hours. I did this hike in late October roughly 2.15 hours with a stop at Karloo Pools to have a quick bite and set back on foot. Early stages of the Karloo track It's a moderate level hike, however the return hike is definitely filled with short steep hills. I really enjoyed the terrain and setting of the track. It's well formed and quite a common area for people to take a daily hike. There were a bunch of people and families down at the water, sun baking, enjoying their lunch, taking a swim etc. Aside from the main directional sign at the entrance point, the track doesn't have any signage throughout. It's quite easy to stick to the main track, as it is worn and obviously a popular track. No fencing on cliff edges Karloo Pools There are some cliffs wit...

Up, up, up.

It's come to a time in my life where I am setting out to find myself; find what makes me happy. Call it saturn's return, or whatever you like, but we can all get sucked in to the environments and people around us, and find ourselves stuck with what's next. I've been so dependent on others in the last 6 years of my life, that it's time to take care of myself, first and foremost. When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. I have nothing to complain about with my career - I am most grateful. However, considering I have this time before I start my next tour, I am setting myself 'me' projects. I will write more songs, I will travel more, explore my surroundings more, open my eyes more and be me. I'm not searching for anything in particular, but that's the best way to be. A little about me: I'm not the most social person - don't get me wrong, I can be social, but there's nothing I enjoy more than sitting at home, playing the piano, guit...